Posted by on May 12, 2016 | 6 comments


Hey, it’s a first step!

Well, personally, I think blogs are very serious and are a journal, in many ways, of one’s life and happenings and events and thoughts and emotions and changes of attitude and all of those things that make up a self, but I am thinking I might actually write a book and share some of the things mama has shared with me.

But I really want to write fiction because I like making things up. That way you can let the characters tell YOU what to write (after you have created them, that is!) and allow the story to unfold from its hidden place in your psyche and brain and heart.

Does that make sense?

I’m just pawing around some ideas right now but maybe it’s like mama’s creative writing teacher years and years ago who said in class one day, “I am pregnant with a poem.”

Maybe that’s the feeling when you want to write something that is dancing around in your brain and has been for some time but you just realized it and it wants to get out and you just have to open the door.

We’ll see.  I’ve never been with child before!

Meanwhile, I’d better rest on this.  Being pregnant is exhausting…




Condolences for this beautiful Shepherd, K9Chase.
