Posted by on Jun 24, 2016 | 6 comments










(THEY ae going to see a Picasso museum because we couldn’t leave when planned, yesterday, but I sort of like the subject matter, no?)

So, no change of plan after all because there was a soccer match that papa wanted to see between Italy and Ireland and frankly, we could have left yesterday because it was a BUST! Probably the most awful game mama and papa have ever seen, so they say. But what do I know.  I love Totti from the Roma and I love Messi because he is little and fast like me and I love El Shaarawy who is just the most lovely player to watch (and I watch almost every game at home) but I never got into the soccer thing or organized a team, even though I had the ball ready to go.  Below you will see that I just kicked a goal, and with a team of one that is NOT easy!
