Posted by on Aug 26, 2016 | 17 comments


Just after I put this pic in my blog, mama told me about THIS!!! HURRAH!!! But it is still not completely thrown out.


These babies don’t seem to be going anywhere after having produced ONE zucchine that weighed 3 pounds! Go figure.


Well, there are tomatoes and peppers and a few marigolds to attract the bees, but that’s about it.



The roses are teensy little pathetic things that I cannot hide behind any longer.  Have to find a new place…


Can’t hide in here.  Wild asparagus makes me itch, but we’re going to have a lot of it in spring.


Mama looking put out at having no garden this year.  Well, almost no garden.  It’s still nice to look at even if not producing much. BUT…there IS basil and lots of rosemary and sage and the lemon tree has had a haircut and is has lots of green fruit on it for winter picking.

Maybe a shot of limoncello would be appropriate right now, mama.  You’ll feel better in no time, haha.


Last year’s batch, but this year’s bottled sunlight!


Sorry for the garden’s woes, mama.  But this, too, shall pass…whatever that means.