Posted by on Jul 14, 2015 | 4 comments


Well, that’s what we all are here on Bastille Day because it is hot as Hades and will be for some time. I just lie around looking limp.

But there is going to be a hot time in the old town tonight. About 100,000 anthros show up here for the fireworks on the beach and it’s pretty rowdy. There is music and dancing and little tiny anthros are all over the place because of all the fun but I have found where mama keeps her really nice Bose sound diminishers, whatever that is, and they fit PERFECTLY in my tiny seashell ears, so don’t try to talk to me today because I can’t hear a thing.

There is a little switch on them, I found, that if I paw it, I can hear mama calling Loulou, Loulou, where ARE you, but since I don’t wish to be found, I just flipped the switch to Off and now I am sleeping like a log through all of this craziness.

Mama is such a kid and LOVES fireworks, but also because her dear friend was born today and so it’s a birthday, too, for celebration.

Uh, oh, is that cold poached salmon I see on our lunch table? And has mama gone inside to get the potato salad? And is papa way upstairs and can’t see a thing?


Uh, oh…




Okay, okay, I’ll just eat my grass and forget the salmon…