Posted by on Jun 30, 2014 | 2 comments



This is off my subject for today, but something is going on here.  There are HUGE BLACK flies that have suddenly appeared out of nowhere and not only are they BIG, they are, fortunately, DUMB as posts and allow mama and papa to swat them easily (saying ohmmmmmm the whole time) and send them off to the great fly haven in the sky.  But what are they?  I really should be out there batting them around myself, but I just can’t be bothered in this heat, and besides, France is playing Nigeria and although it’s a pretty blah game, I’m watching anyway, which is my duty as a French kitty.  But I just wish France played like, say, Mexico, or Chile.  Ah, well, at least they are still in the running for the Cup.

You know, soccer has to be really good to watch it with enthusiasm.  Mama remembers other World Cups at which little teams came to the fore, Cameroon was one, and knocked everyone’s socks off.

Still, when there’s soccer fever, there’s soccer fever and I’ve caught it.

On Wednesday evening, however, it’s a soccer-less night and mama and her neighbouring artist are going to open their doors to their studios and show their paintings and sketches and have wine with friends and mama has made her southern pimiento cheese spread and olive butter and there will be little lemon tarts and such and I’m just waiting until someone drops a cracker with that cheese on it!  I LOVE PIMIENTO CHEESE, but only in small doses because it’s not really that good for me.  BUT…a little every now and then won’t hurt, especially since I  helped in the atelier when papa and his helper hung the Falling Women from the rafters and now all those women look as if they are REALLY falling.




I just hope one doesn’t fall on me. Is that hanger coming loose…?