Posted by on Aug 17, 2014 | 4 comments


HEY, these aren’t even ALL of them!!!

Well, okay, they have to go, but still…

Mama is in a tizzy trying to email relatives and doctor’s offices and dentist consultants and what have you to be sure there will be appointments ready for her and papa when they hit that OTHER place they’re going and where her brother and sister-in-law live.  And her aunts and cousins and great aunts and great cousins…you name it, there’s a large number of people in the family who have to be let in on these travel plans.

As for me, I’m planning a good, relaxing vacation from all this family hullabaloo, not to mention a re-leafing of my hideaway under the yellow bush in mama’s garden and also a plan to re-educate my lovely kitty-sitter so that she’ll understand that I sit AT THE TABLE now in MY OWN CHAIR and that she shouldn’t be surprised to find me there.

Even with computers, mama says it’s hell to plan what you’re going to do in a month, for heaven’s sake, and all the places you have to book in order to have a roof over your head and all the people you have to email to make sure they are even THERE, because what if you show up and nobody’s at home?  Then what?

Probably only the kitty’s at home.  ALONE–the family having GONE OFF TO SOME SOUTH SEA ISLAND TO CHILL OUT, leaving “The Cat” in the hands of someone else who, while he or she is the paragon of kitty-handling, is still NOT the anthro with the same knees between which one sleeps, nor the same anthro whose masculine caresses start the day so lovingly.

Ah, well.  Can’t be helped.

I just hope these anthros know what they are doing, and I want to give fair warning to all those OTHER family members, in that other place, who have not had the intense pleasure of my company yet (you can’t get me on one of those things with steel wings for all the catnip in the nursery!) (probably in a CAGE,too!), that mama and papa may not be at their best while they visit because they will be thinking only of me and my poor little abandoned self back here, holding the fort, keeping the home fires burning, making sure the tomatoes are watered and picked properly and that I have choice morsels of fish in my lovely ceramic kitty bowl–gift from a FRIEND, who LOVES me!!!

Yes, I have friends, and don’t you forget it!  Not for a minute.  And they are coming here to visit me WHILE YOU ARE NOT HERE, hah!

Anthro families!!! Sometimes they have all the fun…

Hey, maybe I’ll call up a few doggies I know and some kitties who write to me and have them ALL OVER HERE for a tuna grillade! Okay, okay, a few hamburgers, too…


Hey, Mungo, is that you?  Hey, Merci and all the gang…I’M FREE!!!


Maybe a few sardines to start off the evening…