Posted by on Aug 31, 2013 | 3 comments



Melancholy kitty, I, at the end of summer. Here in my garden the leaves are dropping on my head, even when I am under the yellowing spigariello (we just can’t eat all mama plants and heaven knows, I prefer Purina…). Lemons are dropping off the tree and petals are scattering from overblown roses and I smell a bit of smoke from somewhere—burning leaves?

Oh, it’s a long, long time, from May to December…la la la…but the days grow short (papa hates June 22 when it all starts going downhill), when you reach September…la la la.

I think I could have been a torch singer if I had put my myow to it. There was that lady, after all, Eartha Kitty, and she was pretty good…Santa Baby…la la la…

SANTA?  I want more summer, not to be wrapping holiday presents yet!!!!

Mama’s out there picking tomatoes to make sauce (for winter!) and she’s planting seeds for salad (for WINT&%#!ER!!) and just want to lie here in the sun and pretend I have three more months of lolling in my catnip and eating cold lunches with the anthros and taking a little stroll at dusk through the fragrant garden while mama and papa have mojitos or martinis….


Our little beach has that pick-up-your-bucket-and-shovel-and-towel-and-come-in-earlier-today feeling and all the little kids splashing in the sea feel a bit anxious to me because they know that school (la rentreé in France—the re-entry) is about to capture their indolent, lazy days and they’ll have to put on jeans and sneakers and maybe be told not to forget a sweater, just in case, and I think this would make any kid a bit wistful.

But…autumn smells good. There will be light rain and mushrooms springing up in the woods to be sold alongside all those good things that mama brings home in fall to make soups and stews and little nibbles of meat for ME—the slightly always-nostalgic-for-summer kitty who will segue into a season of changing colored leaves and roasting chestnuts wafting through our windows and curling up in sweet little places I love to hurry along the seasons until June bursts out all over again.

Ah, well…one has to adapt.

Besides, basta with the sun. I burn easily…
