Posted by on Mar 13, 2016 | 4 comments


Are they losing their marbles?  I don’t eat that purple stuff!

You know, we kitties suffer when our anthros decide to cut back on the carnivore plan and start putting things like the aforementioned on the table.

Do they really think I’m going to go for soy milk and broccoli fritters and broccolo romano pasta?  Or broth made from everything in the fridge that does not moo or cluck, but I do have my grass, so I guess, in that sense, I am sort of a vegetarikitty.


But does this look like DINNER to you?

You know, I run things around here, and I just called up a farm nearby and asked them to send over a couple of heifers.  They can live in mama’s garden, (along with the chickens I ordered yesterday, along with the mice I’m tempting to come by putting some cheddar under the couch.)


I’m sneaking up on that mouse now.  Maybe I’ll have dinner after all…