Posted by on Jan 18, 2015 | 2 comments



Well, this is just amazing:  the day of blessing of pets in Spain–St Antonio, Spain’s patron saint of animals.  For a warm and fuzzy feeling, take a look at these sweet animals brought by their parents to be blessed by the priest.

My friend, Sasha, lived in Vancouver and her mama sent this to my mama.  Sasha is a Maine Coon and getting on in years but eats AT THE TABLE with guests and has perfect manners.

Sasha’s mama sends my mama all sorts of wonderful videos and recipes and they have been friends for years and years and will meet next fall to sing together, cook together and marvel in the glories of Toscana.  Seems far away, no?  It’s freezing here and mama just pruned her roses (except she’s having trouble with one, Sweet Love, that has all sorts of branches everywhere and it’s really hard to decide where to cut.  Any rose experts out there?).

But back to blessings; I like that animal owners have their pets blessed and it’s all fine with me, but I am sort of an “Athe” really–the French shortening of the word “atheist” and that’s shortening as in smaller, not Crisco or lard, haha.  Actually, I wish we had a little lard around here during the winter.  Those birdies outside are pecking away at their fat balls (balls of fat studded with seeds) that mama hangs in the lemon tree, but do I get a fat ball??? NO WAY.  I, who have lost 200 grams to go to the vet and impress her with my svelte little bod.

Well, maybe if I can’t have a fat ball, I can be blessed on the next St. Antonio day…can’t hurt, and maybe helps, and we kitties need all the help we can get!

And how about my friend here, Quinette?  Do you think he can go with me to Spain?
