Posted by on Apr 22, 2015 | 4 comments

Mama’s shrimp curry plus condiments. Whatever they are.

Thank you, Island Cats, for reminding me that today is Earth Day, which was begun in 1969 to make humans/anthros more aware of the grand ball they live upon and have a day of celebration!

Well, I, kitty that I am, am not going to waste a New York minute, whatever that is, and I’m going right out there on the turf, terre, terrain, soil, garden bed, terra, mulch, compost and do my thing!

Hey, what are claws for if not to cultivate? So I did my share (plus fertilized, as usual) and mama is doing her share by making shrimp curry as a celebration for all earth things: shrimp, chicken broth, a bit of meat broth, vegetables, minerals, the whole shootin’ match, plus nice fluffy rice and condiments from all over the world, originally: avocados, cilantro, Greek yogurt, Spanish peanuts, lemon/French lemon-orange chutney (made with our lemons), turmeric, Madras curry, tamarind, garam masala, and her chapati warming in the oven.


Hey, that about covers the planet.

Off to check on the shrimp…


I’m thinking I should pick some of this thing that made mama break out in a rash yesterday…hmmm. Smells good. More on that later….
