Posted by on May 15, 2014 | 4 comments


Mama asks the question: How can a civilization whose past was dominated by a torrid, sexy, intelligent, wild and crazy queen called—guess who: CLEOPATRA—now crack down on one of Egypt’s most appealing traditions—BELLY DANCING?

Okay, call it ‘oriental dancing’, but whatever you call it, it’s an art and not every woman in the world can master it. But even so, who among us kitties has not wanted to get up and boogie to eastern music with that wild beat and finger cymbals tinkling and tambourines tambourining. Even doing one’s own version of one of the world’s oldest dances is spirit-lifting, spirit-freeing, or just plain lots of FUN!

The government in Egypt says when and where you can belly dance. You have to get a PERMIT to DANCE? No wonder Cairo was in upheaval this year. I’d riot too if some government official, scared out of his precious little boots that I was going to stir up the blood of everyone around me—men, women, kitties and children—sent the dance police to stop my gyrations.

When are male anthros going to realize that a belly dancer cannot possibly start a war but could certainly help avoid one? Egyptian women are permitted to dance at home, in the privacy of their boudoirs, for their husbands—hey, wait a minute! What about dancing for their boy or girl friends? What about dancing for the hell of it? What about dancing for their KITTIES? I wouldn’t be surprised if the government sent out peeping toms to peer into windows just to make sure their dance programs were on the up and up.

FEAR. FEAR. FEAR. Mama reads me too many articles from the NYT about the suppession of women. Along with Cairo’s clamping down on dancers, young women in Pakistan are too often forced to marry at puberty because the family’s money goes toward education for sons! And multiple early pregnacies have been shown to endanger their young lives.

With due respect to those trying to change this pattern, a program was set up in two rural areas of Pakistan to train female teachers in communication skills to educate young women students about sex and their rights, and the students in turn were taught bargaining techniques to persuade their families that they contribute as much as the sons to family structure and productivity.

Well, this is a start. And nothing ever happens without putting out a paw, and then the other one…

But if these male anthros themselves would simply realize that we females are assets in their lives, complementing their own strenghths (and weaknesses) and that females on a level playing field can only strengthen the foundations on which productive civilizations are built!

Make that ‘level belly-dancing field’.

Even I do a little tummy dancing in the morning and there’s no suspicious, woman-fearing male anthro in THIS house, you can bet your belly button!


Hey, would YOU be afraid of this tummy?


Uh, oh, that’s my music starting up…time to shimmy.


Hmm…I think the black one’s best for me…