Posted by on Aug 9, 2013 | 2 comments

My papa was talking at dinner while I listened attentively by his side, gazing at the early evening activity in the garden, and he said how interesting the timing was with the Snowden brouhaha and everyone up in arms about spying and clandestine information being gotten by underhanded means and then all of a sudden the news is full of the shut down and evacuation of American embassy members all over the Muslim ‘belt’, which is what papa calls those countries apparently occupied by large numbers of al Qaeda, which can only mean that many, many people will be frightened by this and suddenly (or slowly, as the case may be) realize that perhaps spying a bit on suspicious cells or people who could be a threat to your country is not entirely the worst crime a country can commit.

Perhaps a little spying can save many, many lives. Perhaps a little examination of activities and actions that look suspicious is not such a bad thing, especially since 9/11.

But my point is really that papa often discovers another way to look at things that is not at all what others are seeing. He turns things upside down and examines from an angle that many will miss as they fall into the ‘normal’ way of seeing things just by habit. It always surprises me when he comes up with an idea that no one else has discovered or even considered as a possibility. Such is his magical and fascinating brain, obviously a little like mine…

It was timing he said. The scandal over Mr. Snowden that prompted so many to criticize and be shocked and outraged by his behaviour may only serve to draw attention to the fact that everyone has spied for decades and sometimes, just sometimes, the results of that same prying into things might really be advantageous. Before 9/11, for example, undercover info was available about the possibility of an attack, but no one paid attention, at least not enough attention to avert the horrible. But the information gotten was most definitely not obtained from just tapping someone on the shoulder and asking for it. Anthros spy.

And if someone is talking regularly to another person who is suspect, best to monitor the calls for info, in my book. Unless they are talking incessantly about taking their kitties to the vet, in which case, cut the  &$*^#@!! phone lines!

Kitties spy all the time.

I spy on birds when they least expect my presence, lurking so near to them, so quietly that they thing I’m just a piece of the scenery. I spy on mama and papa in the early morning when they are sleeping and sometimes mama wakes up and there I am, staring into her eyes and causing one helluva reaction–I know she thinks it’s a bit creepy that I do that, but it’s my spying nature to observe any and all details that I can absorb in order to form a program for my day. And the material I obtain from spying with my little kitty eyes that see everything is what makes my world go round comfortably and safely. And often, theirs.

Spies are sometimes just anthros who have a sixth sense about things and put puzzles together a bit better than most. This is not to condone their profession, but they do and will exist as long as countries are suspicious of one another and trying to protect themselves from whatever they consider to be aggression and/or actions of treason.

The fallout (so to speak) is sometimes good, sometimes not very good at all, but how is one to know when it might be a very beneficial action for all concerned.

Certainly stimulus for my tiny, pea brain.

I’m thinking as you read this. I only appear to be snoozing…
