Posted by on Dec 17, 2016 | 4 comments


No sleighbells yet?  How long do I have to wait for this guy?

Maybe I’ll just listen to the street musicians until then.


Rome’s bagpipers from the Abruzzo, minus sheepskin pipes!  These guys look as if they could really jam, whatever that is.


WITH sheepskin pipes!  Yes, that instrument was once a sheep.


Well, these guys (and gals, I think) showed up today making playing all the old favorites (except What Child Is This, which mama loves, or O, Come, O, Come, Immanuel).  And just a few days ago those men  (above) from the Abruzzo who play bagpipes made from their sheepskins serenaded us royally.  I wish mama’s brother were here to see those musicians, but I think he visited long ago at Christmas and saw them then, so that’s good. I love all this music and mama goes hogwild and runs to the window and takes pictures and then throws down a little change in an envelope, which is what anthros do, I guess, at Christmas.  But if this group is out there making music for us, hey, they deserve a little thank you, no?


I wonder if I could knock out Snoozing in a Winter Kibbleland on the old ivories?

Or maybe Chickens Roasting On An Open Fire?


Think I’ll just be a passive audience right now.
