Okay, I couldn’t get rid of one of these images…tried everything.  So you’ll have two of me  today.







“Don’t know WHYYYYY, there’s no sun up in the sky, soggy weather….”la la la la la la la la….🎶🎵🎵

Well, it has been dribling..er..drizzling all day long and it’s COLD and that funny arbusier tree is dropping even more flowers than before and you can’t walk anywhere on the patio without getting soggy flowers stuck in your paws and we can’t have a fire in the fireplace yet because it has not been cleaned for the winter and mama just looked at me funny when I asked her to make a nice hot CHICKEN soup (heh heh, I know where to get the ingredients…) and frankly, I’M FREEZING. I’m not a winter kitty….

“Keeps raining’ allllll the tiiiimmme…” ☔🌧🌂