Posted by on Sep 5, 2014 | 0 comments


Looking for new material…hmmm.

I really want to write every single day, you nice readers out there, but today was a bit confusing because of the electrical incident in the atelier and I’m going to have to put off until tomorrow what I should have done earlier today.

But you know, sometimes my deadline cuts into my snooze…what’s a kitty to do, I ask you?


I will be back tomorrow, smoky smell gone, I hope, and my fur back in place after this trauma.

Mama was about to ask me to put Spot On on HER after she saw that burned wall, but I couldn’t reach between her ears.

Just as well–it makes you sort of spaced-out for a few hours and mama like being in the present for emergencies.  I hope they are past!


Sorry to sign off early, but it’s time for my DINNER.  Not even my blog can slow THAT up!

A demain…