Posted by on May 24, 2016 | 6 comments


Unwanted attention?

Oh, boy, I was impressed to read today that a guy in the National Assembly here in France was discovered to be sexually harassing some of the women in his office over a long period of time, and several of them have come forward to say that they will not stand for it any longer and that he needs to be ousted.  Which he was.

Now, France is very aware in many ways of the equality between men and women, but when DSK (Dominique Strauss-kahn), the politician who was way out of line with a New York hotel worker, brought to justice, and eventually settled (very handsomely, they say) out of court, was accused publicly of harassing the female domestic worker, women in France started thinking about just what they might have been keeping under wraps for fear of losing their jobs or being ostracized by others in their offices for complaining about the “libertine” behaviour of some of their male associates.

So, good for these women!  I was sort of surprised by all of this, because I noticed as did mama that women appear to be on even more equal ground with the males here than in the USA, but I guess not in some cases.  There was even a comment from one of the males in this expose’ that “the French are becoming more American” regarding harassment in the workplace and being called on the carpet for it as soon as possible.

Well, good for France!

These guys can’t simply take out their sexual frustrations on fellow female (or male) workers!


On another note…

I’m thinking of protesting, too, since the people in MY workspace (especially papa who adores me) just can’t keep their hands off of me when they see me stretching and yawning and doing cutesy-pootsy things on my duvet or couch and I think they ought to THINK about ASKING first it they can take the liberty of coming up to me and rubbing my tummy or scratching behind my ears or massaging my jaws (which I LOVE), but then again, this is probably not really harassment.  There is a big difference when it comes to kitties or doggies, right?


I think it’s called love.
