Posted by on Apr 15, 2016 | 8 comments


OH, NO.  Some strange thing from Cyberspace is messing with my BLOG!

Well, I have had no trouble getting my thoughts out there to you nice readers of my sometimes silly blogs, but for some reason, there seems to be a glitch somewhere, perhaps with Feedburner, that is prohibiting my blogs from arriving to your emails!!!

Could you comment if you are not receiving my Loulou musings?

I am about to write tomorrow’s blog and let’s hope this one gets to you today!!!

So sorry for the inconvenience, but my guru is working on this.

I changed to local time because that’s where mama is helping me with computer stuff, and that should make NO difference at all.  It’s a seven-hour difference between the USA and Europe, but it has never bothered me in the least.

Thank you for any info you might have about getting my daily blog.


Dear Cyberspace: Please don’t let the printer screw up, too!