Posted by on Feb 24, 2015 | 2 comments


Well, by the time mama went through her list of things to see to, do, fix, wash, dry, plant, paint, cook, polish, sweep, clean, and then all the things she does for ME–feed, brush, fill water bowl, open door to garden, close door to garden, open door again for me to come in, close door to keep out cold, open door again to let me out, close door against raging winds and rampant rain, open door to let me in (some phantom was chasing me this time and I skidded on the wet terrace and practically ran into the French window but mama saw me coming and opened the door just in time!), shut the door after I’ve come in and so on and so forth, I just decided that I was too tired after hearing all that to write a decent blog tonight so I’m taking a break.

Plus mama is making turkey breast Milanese (dipped in egg, then seasoned flour, and sautéed in olive oil to a crisp golden finish) and I think I just may get a bite if I don’t bug mama too much with questions about what I’m writing.  So Ticklesome Tuesday, Triumphant Tuesday, Terrific  Tuesday, pick one out and do your Tuesday best today!

Me…well…I’m doing what I do best as always.



Licking mango ice cream off a spoon in the kitchen!!! Ha, fooled you!