Posted by on Sep 23, 2015 | 6 comments


Poor little flowery car…what is your future now?

Oh, boy, is Volkswagon in deep …er…trouble.

Can you imagine the company’s stock going down 40% in two days?  Not to mention the stockholders, workers and anyone associated with Volkswagon and the debacle. What a sad state of affairs for you anthros.

Is this just another indication of how the ethics of business have slipped in our country and in every country, evidently.

Anthros are so weird to me. They work all their lives to build a magnificent world around a fantastic product (and don’t we all love The Bug and the ads for it?) and then shoot it all to hell with greed and just plain lying?

Oh, boy. I am so glad I’m me.

I am so glad mama got rid of her VW some years ago but if I’m not mistaken, she and papa are driving a Seat—the company owned by Volkswagen!

Uh, oh. I hope they don’t have to turn in THEIR car because the backseat is where I reign in luxury when we travel and I LIKE my car seat!

I’d better go look into this…

We kitties have to take control every now and then when anthros are so incredibly selfish and DUMB.


Maybe I can pull some strings so that we can keep our car…