Posted by on Nov 26, 2014 | 4 comments


Thanks to our piano tuner who came today and played “Claire de Lune” so beautifully when he was finished.

You know, mama is old-fashioned and of course I am not her little anthro or an anthro member of the family, but when anthros don’t have kids, they sometimes treat their little animal friends as if they were kids and needed to learn the things kids learn, so mama has encouraged me to write thank-you notes to everyone who helps me with my blog, my travels, my health, my comportment (!), my grooming, my correspondence and so much more. So first here’s the part mama and I are NOT that thankful for (alphabetically):


Cairo without fair leadership


Evasion of BIG problems in our world

Functionaries who are ineffectual

God-on-our-side believers

Health care obstacles


Jews and Palestinians in an eternal war since time began

Kitties who are abandoned

Literature dying

Multitudes of uninsured families in the US

No end to too many wars on the planet

Pugnacious attitudes of Congress that attempt to stop progress in its tracks

Quarrelling in families

Right-wingers with blinders on

Sadness on the faces of the homeless

Tanks in peaceful demonstrations

Unlimited greed among institutions and their leaders

Veterans with few benefits and recognition of their service

Withering funds for the arts and education

Xenophobia on any level

Young people who have no hope for jobs

Zealots against abortion, gay rights, immigration reform and more

And now the good part: You may wonder where the ‘A’ is, right? Well, I’m thankful for ALL of you out there who are kind to their kids and families and who try to help the elderly (although some of them are more helpful to the younger than the younger to them!) and who try to see life as a glass that is half-full and who value the differences in others and who love their kitties (and doggies) and goldfish and any other little creature around the house as much as (I hope) they love themselves. Happy Turkey Day tomorrow, even if mama wishes it would all go away one year and we could just once celebrate thank-you notes minus all the bells and whistles.

But mama’s aunties are having THIRTY EIGHT people for turkey and they all seem to love one another and value one another and if that could be the norm around the world, then bring on more turkey days! Okay, okay, veggie burgers, too.


Thank you, our neighbour, for your bounty and generosity!!!