Posted by on May 27, 2015 | 4 comments


I wonder, do you have the game of Telephone in your family? Here, I hear mama on the phone or after she has read her email and there’s a certain piece of information about a kid or a kid’s kid or someone mama knows and she tells papa about it and then she gets a call from the person it was about and the person says who told you that—that’s not how it happened and this is how it happened, and then mama asks the person who told her the information if perhaps the information was awry or not quite what was intended and then everyone says oh no it wasn’t like that it was like this and then everyone is confused as all get out and no one knows what the event in question really was or how it looked to someone else or even if the event in question happened at all!


So does that happen in your families, you anthros out there?

It’s the game of telephone: He said that she said that they said that this or that happened or will happen or is happening now, for that matter, and then someone says, who said that? Oh, what does he/she/it know about that—I’ll tell you the truth about this or that and then it’s off and running.

Well, mama has decided to bow out of all this kind of semi-information seen through so many eyes that one sort of loses track about what the information was in the first place. And by that time, hardly anyone cares, haha.

So mama says, either get the info from the person it happened to or who is doing a particular thing and can tell you about it and no one else. I think anthros say “get it from the horse’s mouth”, whatever that means. How about from the kitty’s muzzle? I know what goes on around here and I see everything with my kitty eyes and if anyone wants info that’s straight and true, just ask ME.

So now let me tell you—Mungo told me that Merci said that Marcus thought that…well, you get the picture, right.

Oh, the best part: when everything is all bent out of shape with Telephone, everyone worries about what the other person thinks and mama reminds me that a very old and wise lady said that “what other people think about you is none of your business.”

So now I don’t worry about anything anyone says…not that kitties do anyway, haha.


No worries, mate!