Posted by on Jan 24, 2017 | 12 comments


I was very touched by this email from a friend with a website on which all the marches are recorded.

Well, today I am giving you a break.  But please do take a look at this if you have a moment, as it is very moving.  The placards that marches carry are always interesting, in any march for anything, but there is one she particularly liked: Make America Think Again.  And that’s what we all must do before deciding that something is true or false.  We live now with so much information that it’s hard to cull out what’s actual and what might be someone’s idea of truth but have no basis whatsoever.

Facts exist, are real, can be PROVED, while fiction is…well, information that someone or some group wishes to have seen as facts when, in fact, it is pure fabrication.

Think of it as what you see on an x-ray of your body.  It’s all there, spelled out,  all those innards and organs and twists and turns but it’s on film and actual, whereas if someone says to you, “I think that weird-shaped thing there in your chest is actually a sort-of deflated soccer ball (from the Roma, of course),” you wouldn’t pay much attention, right?

Okay, if you have a better metaphor, let me know.  But do read carefully and think before deciding which path to take to a good life, a healthy life and life on a positive note.  As the phrase goes s..t happens.  But it doesn’t have to be encouraged by us, right.  In other words, think KITTY.