Posted by on May 14, 2015 | 6 comments


I’m just going to roll up in a ball and get under this tee shirt and they can find me when they unpack.

Oh, boy, they’re at it again and naturally I can tell by the two suitcases in the middle of the floor, even if they are small ones so it’s probably not for long. There was some talk of mama’s ex-sister-in-law and her partner wanting to meet somewhere for a few days because they came all the way from California and were going to be in…what’s that place up the road…Paris?

And since even being around this part of the country for a while, my anthros never seem to get to places like that but only back and forth from grandkids to the garden, the garden to grandkids, they are up and LEAVING ME AGAIN.


I’ll just tuck papa’s socks under the bed here–he won’t need them where he’s going.

Boy, if I were an anthro, I’d sure know how to pack in a small suitcase for three days. Any idiot would. But oh, no, mama puts this and that and then that and this and then pulls it all out and starts over and then, she says, there is the big S problem: shoes!

My goodness, you don’t see us kitties changing paws every day just to go with our fur or with all sorts of different outfits that no one is going to notice anyway, even if you wear the same thing for three days! I mean, who on earth do they know on the streets of any big city? Are you going to run into people you haven’t seen in years or even people you know and if so, have they seen you in the same get-up recently?

Packing is hell.

Mama’s one wish is to be “one of those people” (she hates that phrase but uses it all the time) who can whisk something out of the closet, throw in a scarf and a pair of shoes (preferably the ones she’d wear on a train/plane/stagecooach/whatever) and be OFF into adventures in another world.

Well, she has a bit to go on that one. Meanwhile, I’ll just help by getting in the suitcase and rearranging things to my taste. For example, I’m going to make sure she does NOT take my mouse or my kibble because the kitty lady who is coming to INDULGE me needs both of those for MY comfort.

Hey, you bone voyage, or whatever they say…


YAY!!! Free at last!  And they forgot to put away the chicken, heh, heh.