Posted by on Jul 10, 2016 | 13 comments


Police officers murdered by Micah Xavier Johnson

How terrible these shootings that continue in our country.  How terrible that the police do, in fact, single out blacks over whites when making arrests.  But this is no excuse for killing in cold blood, five men who served our country and whose private feelings about their jobs were unknown to the assailant.  He singled out five white men. Period. Officers. Period.  And where did he get the gun?

Where does anyone get a gun?

Anywhere he or she pleases.

Outrageous.  Barbarian.  Are you aware that other countries do not DO THIS?  DO NOT HAVE GUNS IN THEIR CLOSETS AND PURSES AND LOCKERS AND CARS AND AROUND THEIR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES.  Think about it.

Only in America.

Our hearts go our to the officers’ families and friends.  Inexcusable, pointless, these murders.

The police in the UK do not carry guns.  An officer without a gun cannot kill, black or white, a person he is arresting and that person, black or white, without a gun, cannot kill the officer.  What is this gun madness that seems to have taken the United States of America by the throat?  Insanity.

No more of this.  It is too, too sad and pathetic and damaging and a blight on our country’s history.



The AR15 and anyone can have one. Unbelievable.

Yes, the police departments in many states need to overhaul their policies.  Yes, the poor and downtrodden need and should have an education and a decent life.  Yes, our criminal justice system sucks.  Excuse me, I never use that word but I am saying it anyway.  Yes, we need communication between black and white, brown and black, white and brown.  Yes, we are behind in this.  Yes, we needed to allow our President to use funds to attempt to change this system.  He was not allowed.  And yes, we need to live together in this world regardless of color and economics.  Racism in America is rampant and it is not just the south or the north or the east or the west.  It is within every human being who feels threatened by the color of skin or the differences between us.  Perhaps these events will center us on what needs to be dealt with in this country NOW. Not tomorrow, but NOW.


And good news. More jobs, wages, and unemployment under 5%!  There is no other country in the world that can claim that. NONE.


Wow. That is good news.