
See, I know where and when to lie in the arugula/roquette/rocket salad.  I choose my places very carefully for coolness and softness, plus I really love the smell of this wonderful salad green.  I think.  Well, heck, there’s green and there’s green and what do I know.  Mama says I should be lying in the nip, but who the heck can find it in this jungle.


Mama has been weeding for two days and there’s a HUGE pile of stuff in part of the garden, which I think she’s about to put on the compost pile, but first I have to lie in THAT…it may be even better than rocket salad!  Or, maybe lie in the lavender.  Has a nice ring to it…la, la, la…ly–ing, in the lav–en–der…la, la, la…


Has to be cut, though or no more flowers next time. Lavender gets old, too, but babies come up around it.

HAH! This is the nip!


But mama took its photo and our camera started rolling around on the patio and making funny noises and I think that camera is STONED…I’m outta here.
