Posted by on Nov 8, 2015 | 4 comments


View from my dungeon, er, room…

Well, here I am in that place after a 2-hour ride up a fairly straight road but then there was a winding part for about 20 minutes and I managed to mind my…er…manners.

There was a lady anthro sitting in the back seat with me so I had to mind my ps and qs, whatever they are.  And so I did.  It seems that these guys are going to that lady’s house to do some serious reunion with anthro friends that mama and papa have not seen for years and all of them are crazed cooks and will be cooking and eating and drinking together for a few days while I stay cooped up in a room all by myself!

But I don’t mind.  There is actually a balcony if I remember correctly so I can wander out there and peruse the scenery and watch birdies and such.  And even if I did want to go downstairs, which I DON’T, there is that kitty, Neve, who prowls around and sounds like a door hinge that needs oiling.  Some kitties just have weird myows and this one is one of them, that’s for sure.

But I’ll keep you up to date on the goings-on in the villa and what’s cookin’ and who’s cookin’ and I’m pretty sure there are going to be some crazy pics of these anthros playing the pots and pans, not to mention some mighty nice recipes coming out of that wonderful kitchen.

More later after I’ve ordered my dinner from that same kitchen.  At least I have them wrapped around my little paw since I’m relegated to the dungeon, er, bedroom.

Bon appetit, all of you having fun downstairs while I languish in my quarters!!!


Here I am, languishing…


Languish, languish, languish!