Posted by on Jan 30, 2015 | 6 comments


That’s clearly not I, but you get the picture..

Oh, boy, am I in the cat house…

Mama came downstairs this morning and saw that SOMEONE had found and opened and munched on one of the bird-balls that mama puts in our lemon tree to feed the fine feathered friends in winter.

And you should have seen her face when I starting warbling a few hours later, haha.

In fact, she took a bite herself thinking it might improve HER tweets!  Just kidding…


I think I need more fat in my food—those bird-balls are filled with suet and seeds, and they just may be one of my favorite snacks after last night. But I’m not sure I like tweeting all day…

But seriously, folks, papa once ate a bad mussel years ago in Rome and got hepatitis, and he couldn’t eat butter or any fats for months and he really was not helped at all by the abstinence. When he started adding a little fat to his diet, he improved. And a friend of mama’s says that you have to have butter for good skin tone! Hey, as good an excuse as any. So butter, here I come (if it’s left out—I’m not too good with refrigerator doors yet).

Now the donkey gossip: I saw, with my OWN eyes, that Sanglier, the MALE donk, was ‘playing around’ with Rasta, the young FEMALE donk and I knew just exactly what he was up to. Then my neighbor told me that it’s mating season for donkeys, so then I knew for SURE. But those guys are horny little animals, that was certain. Whatever that means…


Keese me, dahling…

I, personally, do not really know what that means because, well, you know, I’ But I think February is kitty love time, too, because on that very same day, there was a loud caterwauling outside our windows and I’m pretty sure I knew who HE was. But I paid no attention and went back to sleep—you give those guys an inch and they’ll take a mile. And I’m not really interested in that stuff, but the guy sure had a good voice.

Maybe I could tweet along with those birdies tomorrow morning…


“Why have I started to meow???”