Posted by on Jan 6, 2017 | 10 comments


This is NOT lazy.  This is SAGE BEHAVIOR.

Well, you might have figured that yesterday was simply a blank blurp on my computer.  Not because I am lazy or anything, haha, but because I stayed up way too late watching a series with mama and papa and I just couldn’t get the paws on the keys at midnight.  Plus I had been reading a really funny book with Latin phrases and laughing my head off, plus Mya’s mama sent a video of a rabbit show that was even funnier.  I love it when someone sends mama a funny video because she reads her emails half-awake at breakfast and those nice laughs wake her up in a very pleasurable way!  Me, too, but with no intention of hurting the feelings of any rabbit, I am sort of glad I am a cat and don’t have to wiggle my nose all day long.

Still, I love my rabbit friends.

Back to Latin.  Here’s a doozie: Procrastina rem nunc–procrastinate now!  That one really applies to me or rather did, yesterday, because sometimes in the winter I just can’t bring myself to get on all fours and carpe diem.


Another thing I’d like to put off is leaving here.  The sea is supposed to be…er…less than calm toward the end of the run, and I know what that means for me.  Not a pretty sight, haha.  And nempe cibus dabatur estiam servis navalibus:  Even galley slaves were served meals!  But oh, no NOT Loulou!

Do you think they will even let me have ONE morsel after breakfast, even when the ferry leaves at 10pm?  No way, Jose.  So I travel in discomfort, with hunger pains and having to screwmus punto collata: screw my courage to the sticking point, whatever that means, to just get ON that giant woo-woo machine. I made that last Latin thingy up, just for kicks.

Ah, well.  As I mentioned.  Staying prostrate is far easier, especially in this weather.  1 degree last night!  It’s not Miami around here, that’s for sure.


I am already seasick…


I didn’t know how to get this on the side part of my blog so here’s the hop news right in the post.
