Posted by on Apr 22, 2016 | 10 comments


Empty the mind, remove all chaos, forget all sound, concentrate on your navel…

Wait a minute. Where IS my navel?


Well, this story is a doozy!  You know that good news network that has been started recently and has only positive, uplifting stories each day?  Well, this is one I really love.  Bassett hounds parading down a boardwalk to help homeless doggies find good parents.  Is that not a good story to start off the day?

The other doozy I really, really liked was about policepeople meditating before going out on their jobs.   To me, that’s a real breakthrough, and I believe down to my pawnails that meditation might help cops feel more magnanimous and make better decisions when there is an emergency.  Certainly mediation has a positive influence on anyone who has tried it, and I, too, meditate often.  Actually, as often as possible when the cares of the world overwhelm me.

Mama does, too, although I think sometimes she is just staring into space and heaven knows what’s going through her crazy brain!  I think she mostly sends out good vibes for our mixer-up world and for all those who need some tlc that day.

I’ll say one thing, and that is that I love to wake up (whenever that is, happens all day long) to sweet stories and lively, interesting information about good people and good deeds.

Sort of balances out our political atmosphere right now, haha.


Meditating on next blog…


Go away, I’m almost levitating…


Sometimes we meditate together.