Posted by on Jun 16, 2017 | 8 comments


Do I look nude to you?

Well, actually, I am the only one who can really say I am not…er…exactly dressed, when I eat, but neither am I totally nude.  With this heat, to eat in the buff would be a pleasure!  I’ve never understood why I couldn’t start a business for kitty suits that unzip and can be put away until winter.  Hmmm…how about Kitty Zips? Summer bummers?  Get your very own Kitty Zip and chill until winter’s woes.  Okay, okay, needs work.

And in Rome it is HOT, HOT, but those guys don’t eat that way either, even if they’d like to.

You remember that funny time that mama was serving a dinner to guests and when she came out of the kitchen everyone was in his/her birthday suit!  Oh, mama, and what did you do?  No choking or spluttering, just a quick tour of the table draping everyone’s BIG napkin over laps, haha, and dinner went on as usual.

Wish I had been there for that one.

It was sometime in what mama calls her other life–the 60s, or 70s, can’t remember which.  Definitely the PAST!  Gets a few smiles every now and again…

I’m off to MY lunch right now!



Hey, I covered the good parts, right?