Posted by on Jan 9, 2017 | 18 comments


Is this woo-woo thing MOVING?  Uh, oh…


Yes, we actually took the stay-close-to-land route and these big, big waves abated right away, thank cod (thanks to Wally for that one).


It was freezing in our cabin, so mama wrapped me up in a blanket.  You can see I adapt pretty quickly to adverse conditions.

Well, as you might have guessed, we not only made it back but I WAS ADORABLE and so well-mannered and didn’t even peep once, even when the captain ran into some pretty hairy waves and then found a wonderful passage that made everything smooth.  Amazing!  We were looking out of our porthole (actually it was an aft-hole, haha, whatever that means) and I said to papa, “Look, that’s LAND.” And papa said, “Don’t be silly, Loulou, we are out on the sea”, but then he looked out, too, and said to mama, “Does that look like LAND TO YOU?”

And of course it was and our brilliant capitano was sailing along the coast of Italy and then France and then Spain instead of trying to brave the rolling seas, and just like that, bammo, the sea was calm and flat and we all had naps and I didn’t lose the breakfast and lunch I HAD NOT HAD YET &$%^@(%& and we practically flew back to our home harbour and then drove two hours and arrived just in time for a A MIDNIGHT SNACK, RIGHT?

That said, we are safe and sound.




Just a thought.  Today we read It’s Noodle and wish to pass on his website for those who did or did not vote for our new president. Mr. Noodle has some very good thoughts and every one of us might wish to take a look at them and think about them.

I am having to unpack all the bags because mama and papa said I need to get back into the swing of things and start doing my part.  We don’t even HAVE a swing!  But I do love to help.  I ironed papa’s jeans so he could put them away himself.  A girl can’t do it all, papa.


Ladies, don’t learn how to iron and you won’t have to, haha.  I happen to love it.
