Posted by on Oct 17, 2013 | 2 comments


They’re not taking me to the vet, no way!


Well, maybe just this once…

Hello, out there! This is number 200 of my blogs, and I would LOVE some feedback (well, anything with ‘feed’ in it is an okay word to me!) from whoever reads these things…you never know who’s out there.

It’s just that I would like to know what subjects interest you kitties (or anthros—heaven knows I check out subjects even for two-legged creatures) and I’ll try to address your likes and dislikes and see what pops up. Do you even read this stuff I write about that grand adventure called LIFE?

For example—today I was abducted at dawn to go to Dr. Conte, the vet, to have my eyes, ears and teeth checked and I have to say, I was a dream kitty, even whilst being probed and shot up with something for inflamed teeth (moderate). The good doctor even said so, and praised me, and then there was this enormous replica of me in another cage and I thought, “Wow, that’s probably my cousin or even could have been my boyfriend” but you know why THAT can’t happen. We won’t go there…

So his anthro says, “Oh, what a pretty kitty, just like mine!” And of course, mama asked his name and guess what: his name is U2!!!!! After Bono’s U2; so if we had gotten together, we would be Loulou and U2—is that cool or what?

Or U2 and Loulou.  Whatever.

But here is my question: why are medications for animals so expensive? And maybe I should have just wracked my brain and thought about what my grandmother would have done for my little sore teeth (clove balm? fluoride treatment?) and mama and papa wouldn’t have had to pay so much for all that STUFF!

As it is, I have to have my one ear cleaned every day twice a day and I have to treat my kitty tears twice a day for three days and I think mama could have done that with HER eye drops! What do you think?

Anyway, the doc said I was one lucky kitty and that I looked pretty nifty and what was my secret?

And I whispered in his ear, “Extra virgin olive oil, honey, extra virgin olive oil. It can cure all ills.”

That, and unlimited snuggles.

A cure for everything.
