Posted by on Oct 20, 2016 | 14 comments













It looks as if I am not doing anything, but this is the Pose of Inspiration. and you know it’s funny.  Sometimes a little story makes me think of something I ought to try, too, and when I read about Wally sniffing the air to have a little more good sniffing before autumn comes, I started thinking about how nice it is to sniff things and so I started sniffing all over the garden and under the furniture and around corners and up on ledges (even if I’m supposed to stay off certain ones, heh heh) and my sniffer was really wailing when I thought I sniffed…uh, oh…something not quite so enchanting as say, hamburger, or old socks and I decided to put that one off for another day.

Little dead things under houses do NOT turn me on.

Plus, mama is not here to go under there and get it out, haha.

Maybe we should call that really skinny kid who came here, slipped under the house and found the wires munched on by a rat.

But, NO WAY am I going under there to follow that particular odor…

I’m just going to lie here in the sweet sunpuddles and store up sniffs of the fleeting fragrance of Indian summer.
