Posted by on Apr 21, 2016 | 12 comments







Learning the hula…what now?

No, I did not misspell the city’s name.  It is being renamed in honor of you know who and tonight they are throwing a HUGE loulouau for– guess who?

AND mama and papa may or may not be invited!

Okay, okay, I know that’s not nice and I am actually not in Hawaii but what the heck.  A kitty can dream, no?

And, despite what it seems, mama and papa are only gone twice a year to see papa’s sister and I am along on all the other gallivants.

So, don’t feel bad that I’m not learning the hula, haha.

I’m learning ALOT more than that…as in where the kibble is kept, also the tuna and sardines and how to roll even longer in the nip bed.  Things of WORTH.  NOT silly wiggles and shakes and I don’t have to wear grass to do the things I do!

But I do like the sound of Honoloulou….

Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.

Whatever that is.v

Haha, learned the next move in no time at all!
