Posted by on Jun 29, 2016 | 13 comments


Well, mama has got it in her head after having done those two quickie line drawings of me (yesterday’s blog) that she wants to start doing sketches in Haiku mode:  17 lines as in a haiku, but instead, 17 DRAWING lines.  Papa said with 17 drawing lines, mama, you could draw the history of the world, part II, but of course he was jesting and mama just looked at him as if he were crazy, yet again, and then said, Oh, shucks, or whatever those anthros say when someone gives a compliment, but actually, what mama really wants to do is just keep her drawings at 17 strokes and see what emerged.


Well, maybe more than 17 but she’s just started…

Fun, no?  Those two drawings yesterday were only about 5 strokes and some people might not even get what they were, but of course, I knew because I was modelling.  Methinks I shall be modelling ALOT during this stay where we are because I can’t seem to get off the couch and into any extra-curricular activities.  Which brings me to this: Why don’t I play more?  I hear all about these kitties like Raena and Chimera and Noodle and Yin and Yang and all these cuties that jump and run and climb and flop over (well, I do that one occasionally) and scurry and hide and I just seem to be not that kind of kitty.  So what kind of kitty AM I?  Do a lot of you kitties out there just lie around on comfortable things and then know exactly when 6pm shows up and a dinner bell rings in your little pea brains?  And do you sleep the whole night on your mama or papa?

Well, we’re better than some babies, right?


I hope I’m not aberrant. Or stunted.  Or drank too much coffee when I was a kid, haha (an old wives’ tale).  Maybe there are just some kitties who play for 10 minutes or so and then conk out, no?  Well, if you have any suggestions, pass them on, please.

Maybe it’s just summer and we’ve forgotten what that’s like.

Off to pass out.


Just getting comfortable.  Sorry, mama, I blurred me.


There, that’s better.