Posted by on Aug 30, 2016 | 10 comments


Well, it’s the only word I could think of that describes what we do NOT have this summer in our normally productive plot!

Tomatoes splitting, zucchine stunted (even these babies have no taste at all after that first surge), black leaves coming out on the tomato plants and midget roses, puny and pathetic but struggling to put out a few blossoms for the end of the season.  Poor little things.


Maybe this tomato was laughing too hard, haha.

Mama is not at all happy with this, but she’s getting out her fava beans to plant in October and they are always a boost for the morale.  Mr. Guru next door says to plant in October or in the fall and you will have many more fave than if you plant in spring.  Plus they’ll be over and done with when it’s time to pull them out and make room for what we hope will be next year’s tomatoes with attitude!


Still pathetic and the same size after a week. You saw this pic a few days ago. Nothing has happened!  They are stuck in childhood!


But…lovely sage and miles of rosemary.  Have to trim these guys in the fall, but then where will I get out of the sun?


Thanks to Mr. Guru, these dahlias attract lots of bees.  So why didn’t they visit the squash?


Still…a lovey gazpacho came out of the meagre supply of tomatoes, so I guess not all is lost.

Only me.

Hiding in the mulch…
