Posted by on Feb 18, 2014 | 3 comments


Just cook a few carrots until tender and add them to these nice potatoes and whip them up in a food processor with a small carton of yogurt and serve!

Mama and papa both are just about up to here with food fashion, foodies, and finicky eaters.  Every time mama says something like “This is full of vitamin A” or “These vegetables are really great for lowing cholesteral”, etc, etc, etc, papa says, “Yeah, and it really tastes good, too!” Duh…

I think that foodies were a good thing and lots of things have changed in the food world—less fat in some foods, less sugar in others, but mostly, the consciousness of what you eat and what’s good for you and what isn’t.

BUT—I happen to be semi-vegetarian kitty. Mama buys whitefish, cod, plaice and salmon en gelée, but now she has discovered food for sterilized house kitties that in only 85 grams of food instead of 100 grams in the normal packages.  So she’s buying these now for my figure, but in the package of food, there is some veal with vegetables and I have to say that I really liked that taste of MEAT. I am from the cat family, after all, but I don’t think gazelle would be my first choice…

Still…it’s the obsession with what’s good or what’s bad or what’s fat or what’s sugary or what’s what that makes mama and papa crazy.  I eat three smallish meals a day with kibble in the morning (mama calls it my All-Bran) to boot, and I do NOT eat in between meals.  That’s the trick, because I LOVE having an appetite and don’t want to ruin it with the ‘s’ word…(snack—not a favorite word around here).

Maybe food habits are simply what your mama papa teach you when you’re young.  And then you grow up eating well and not snacking and keeping a normal weight and simply enjoying the tastes of many foods instead of worrying so much that food is the enemy!

Mama has talked to so many people about this and it all boils down to a simple formula:

Burn more calories than you eat and lose weight.

I wish you could come here an take a nice long walkin the vineyards and then we could all share a nice filet of sole in butter and parsley and a carrot and potato purée and even have a few squares of dark chocolate for dessert!!! Even I eat that carrot/potato thing and I just know I see in the dark better….


My neighbor’s bounty

OOPS…What I wanted to say was that it tastes really good, too.


Always bathe after puree of carrot…