Posted by on Jul 16, 2018 | 12 comments


I had better beat it out of my perch and get crackin’.

Ferry, as opposed to that other one, the Furry one. So let us just say that this one is mama, who gets on the ferry soon with papa (and surely all sorts of cadeaux for ME)  and starts homeward.  Hmm…does fresh mozzarella travel well?

Does that mean homeward to ME?  Uh, oh, better clean up here really fast!

Make the bed, stock the fridge, water the plants, make this place look as if someone has watched over it – meaning you know who.

Let’s just hope there are not several thousand teen-agers on that boat, as there were one summer when we were gallivanting back and forth.  Oh, brother…Still, teens ooh and ahh awfully well over a kitty IN A CAGE!

Sorry to run, but I’ve been curled up in the clean sheet closet and seem to have left some of me behind, haha.  Now where is the washing machine?  Whatever that is.


SO how’d I do making the bed?