Posted by on Jan 27, 2017 | 12 comments


No. 1 of me.

Well, actually it’s not trouble, but mama sees double from a thing called binocular diplopia, which was diagnosed some years ago and is checked each year, but the doc says to just wear her special glasses and do exercises, which may or may not help.  It could be nerve damage to a particular nerve or simply weakness in a muscle (come with age–oh, boy, she’s not going to like that at ALL!), but evidently, these funny things she is doing with her eyeballs might actually improve her vision.

I love watching her roll her eyes in big circles, first one way and then the next, and then she has very strange relation with a pen on which there is writing and she puts it in front of her eyes and brings it closer and closer until it’s blurred and then takes it away and starts all over again.  She does this sometimes lying down and so it’s called the Pencil Lift.  Somehow I’m pretty sure she is not developing strong biceps with that one, but it does help to cross ones eyes and strengthen the muscles.  But I’ve seen her cross her eyes without any help at all, especially when papa tells a good joke, whatever that is.  I laugh, too, but mostly don’t get it.

So if anyone out there has any suggestions about seeing two Loulous sometimes when she’s far away from me, better not to suggest them because I sort of like being twins!


No. 2 of me.


Mama, NOT THREE OF ME. Are you NUTS?