Posted by on Nov 4, 2013 | 2 comments

Today I would like to offer this site to all kitties and anthros because we are blogging for Peace, with a capital “P”…

I read so many, many stories in the paper about upheavals in so many countries that I don’t even know which one to chose for comments. And what can a lowly little kitty do anyway? Well, I can get you to the blog4peace site and hope that something rubs off or that you wish to put in your two cents’ worth from your own blog. And I guess that’s about it. We kitties with anthros like the ones I have are so lucky to have food and TLC and a place to snuggle at night, while so many kitties are wandering the streets, hungry and abused. As are so many anthros. The internet is a powerful medium–perhaps it will help if you visit the site and give your views.

I hope so.