Posted by on Oct 10, 2016 | 16 comments



Well, HARDLY.  Mya’s mama sent this to mama and I’m letting her do ONE blog from wherever she is because I’m nice.

Is this funny or what?  And oh, how many people wish that would actually happen to them!  Looks like a really nice Tabby, if a bit pushy.

But you know Tabbies, right?  Mama had one and …but that’s another story.  Here’s mama’s letter to me from wherever they are:

“Well, Loulou, we miss you so much you cannot even imagine and we’ll up at 5am because of jet lag and the food on the airplane(s) was just awful and so we got here and I made a fresh tomato and basil and almond pasta, totally out of it whilst doing so, and then we watched the DEBAUCLE of a debate on TV and I got up in disgust because of all the incredible lies from you know who, begins with T, and went to bed and now we’re walking around like zombies but I’m pretty sure a little cup of espresso will cure that.  For a while.  You are so, so missed, Loulou, and the Kitty Whisperer sent a perfectly HAPPY photo of you, spaced out as usual and perfectly CONTENT to be there WITHOUT US while you lounge around and play with nip and get hugged and snuggled all the time by KW!!!  A lot of thanks we get for missing you so much.  Maybe that cat on the telephone pole will wander OUR way, haha.  I’m just kidding, Loulou, and here’s lots of love from both of us.  We’ll see you soon.  Well, maybe not soon, but sooner than you think.  Love, Mama.”


I think I’m happy here now that THEY are off, but I’m not sure.

Oh, yeah, sure, all that stuff about missing me and being miserable without me there, etc.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Maybe I’LL go wander around and get my pic on a telephone pole, haha.


This would be a good mug shot, no?

As if you needed a description of a Tuxie. Duh.