Posted by on Apr 24, 2017 | 16 comments


Pondering my well-being and mindfulness.

Well, mama and papa love our vet, actually even I love our vet, because she is gentle and kind and tells me how svelte I am looking (sometimes) and her shots do not hurt, and she always say how lucky mama and papa were to find ME, but mama has some questions about me that need answers from REAL anthros who have kitties and who maybe have run into the same questionable behaviour and afflictions that I appear to display.

If you have a minute, could you share your pearls of wisdom with her?  Whatever those are…

  • I have what we think is either tiny white  gravel in my fur from rolling on our tiny rocks in the garden, or I have…er…the unmentionable, dandruff.
  • I eat olive oil every day and my coat is sleek and brushed and the little white things are not alive, haha, so…?
  • I also eat grass outside, my cat grass from a cat grass box (now over) and grass mama had planted for me with cat grass seeds.
  • And I drink from the bird bath (always clean every day–I drink about twice a day or maybe three times but I won’t touch my own water inside).  Is all of this normal? Am I drinking too much?  I’m supposed to have about a cup a day and I don’t drink that much and mama is not going to force-water me!!!
  • My…er…besoins (French for poo) are regular and in good shape, whatever that is…let’s just say Tootsie Rolls and forget the rest.

Am I okay?  I think we are visiting you know who this week so we’ll have a confirm on this, but mama does love info from you all out there, and maybe the Great Swampi has some ideas.  So, thank you for listening, haha.

On another note, so to speak, there is a BIRDIE outside who has a one-note act that is driving us ALL nuts.  Peep, peep, peep, no inflections, no sing-song like the merles and really LOUD just before dawn!!! Any idea what he/she might be?  I’ll ask the neighbour when he finally wakes up…we were up with the birdie before FIVE! Peep, peep, peep…


STOP!!! FERMATI!!!ARRETE!!! I’m going birdie-bonkers!