Posted by on Jun 13, 2017 | 12 comments


Well, that’s a word mama uses for anything that makes her heart go pitty-pat.  As in some of the incredibly darling photos on other blogs, which, if I could, I would publish here, but there are just too many.

And then there are some that really puzzle me.  Raena Belle on Dezisworld seems to have BLUE whites to her eyes!!! I guess that’s just part of the breed but boy, is that amazing?  I think I have to do some more studying about my world.  You know, when you’re a kitty and taken care of and life is good, you just don’t feel a pressing need to do research on YOURSELF, haha.

We have a friend with a Bengal kitty and boy, is THAT amazing.  I wish I could post photos of all kitties in the world and then just flip through and look at them and admire their uniqueness and…well…cute-itude.  In my case, cat-itude, haha.

Oh, sorry, Mya, Marcus, Buddy, Percy, Merci, Cyndi and so many others–this goes for doggies, too.



NOW, take The Lonely Pets Quiz to see if leaving your doggy or kitty or hamster or whatever is a good thing or tolerable.  Somewhat….

Mama loved the watercolours.  Someone really artistic behind that article.  Mama read it and she feels I am pretty okay with being left with a sitter.

Heh, heh, we’ll see about THAT!


And here is my interview with Cats Galore!