Posted by on Feb 19, 2016 | 12 comments



You know, mama is worried about this election, which means she reads a lot and is observing the campaigns in the USA with some concern. Okay, okay, wouldn’t we all be happier if we wanted good things for all our fellow Americans—health care for all, tuition-less colleges to provide more opportunities for young people, equality for each and every one of us, less police brutality, a rebuilding of our country’s infrastructure, which would provide millions of jobs for the jobless (by the way, under Obama, our jobless rate fell to just over 5%, an unheard-of feat in any country), and wouldn’t we, in our heart of hearts, mama asks, wish that every American could realize his potential in every way?

Evidently there are those who do not feel this way, and to them, I just have to say, they probably kick their dogs and swat their kitties, and their kids, and anything else in their way if feeling angry. The Republican party is looking more and more as if it is based on anger.

Let’s face it. We are not born equal in many ways. Some anthros are born cruel and love inflicting pain. Some anthros are born inquisitive and wish to learn from others and expand their minds with new knowledge.

Some end up loving guns and keep as many Kalashnikovs as they can afford throughout their houses. Some go to Africa to help the needy.

And some simply strive to overcome terrible afflictions, terrible poverty, terrible parents, terrible events in their lives and some actually do. Some have that strength, but not all.

It’s hard to say that I, for one, watching anthros like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, would do practically anything not to have specimens like them taking charge of my beloved and FREE country.

Does anyone out there KNOW what these guys say? Does anyone pay attention to Trump who says he’d like to date his daughter? Does anyone realize the danger that this country would be in if laws were reversed on Obamacare, freedom of choice for women, and the flame of even more racial and personal discrimination fanned by the actions of these seriously frightening men?

How can you tell your children who are transgender that they cannot BE what they are and will not be accepted in schools? How can a human being with any intelligence and kindness in his/her heart not realize that we are all born different, one from the other, and no one will EVER be able to make us into any likeness they he or she feels to be superior.

We need to fight for freedom yet again in our illustrious country. These male anthros who are trying to undermine the basic tenets of our constitution simply, in their blindness, cannot see that we are in a world of change and progress and that human beings will fight to the death for personal freedoms despite the oligarchs who want only to rule from anger and ignorance.

Is anyone out there aware that a president of a country needs a sound mind, a sane and objective observation of and solutions for the many needs of a diverse society? Does anyone out there realize that a president must have integrity, honesty, perception, education, couth, elegance, and certainly the ability to say no to Wall St., big banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies and those in power who manipulate YOUR lives daily.

The one drawback of the debate between Bernie and Hilary was this: in all of their campaigning for the issues mentioned above, and in all of their references to the people who are not in the 1/10 of 1% who own of all the wealth in our country, they did not bring us into the equation, personally.

The questions from people on Facebook that were presented to them were not directly answered. They did not say what, specifically, they would make happen to change our lopsided population wealth, and these are questions that we must ask when they continue this campaign. HOW are you going to treat big businesses that pay no taxes?  HOW much are you going to raise taxes on those who get a free ride? What are the benefits you intend for families that will give them guaranteed healthcare? HOW does what you say about ISIS and the Middle East and security for our nation relate DIRECTLY to me, the man/woman on the street? And what can we do, personally, every day, to better our conditions?

Our government is a good one. Certainly it can be improved, but there is no country on earth like The United States, and having fallen quite a way from grace with the subprime debaucle, it needs to have a leader who has YOUR welfare at heart, not his personal gain.

But one thing is sure. The Republicans shout “Too much government, too much control in government” and yet they have seen, in all their ranting, that the government MUST take over huge endeavors that states and individuals cannot possibly do alone since most Americans are busy trying to make a living to provide for their families.

The government is in charge of making your roads usable, your water supplies potable, your personal freedom continue even when threatened by those who want it squelched. And did you know, dear readers, that Medicare is a government organization and always has been, a socialist organization, if you will, that makes health care available to the most vulnerable sector of our population, the elderly.

I really have to stop.

It’s dinnertime anyway and you’ve had a mouthful already, haha.


NO, that was NOT my dinner!!! In your dreams…