Posted by on Jan 20, 2015 | 2 comments

Photo by a volunteer at Kings on the Kings River in Palmier, California–thank you.

Well, could I get along with over 700 cats on 12 acres in Parlier, California if I had to? Mama’s sister-in-law sent this great website about the cat refuge not far from her.

Can’t answer that right now, but evidently all of those kitties have a lovely life together, feral or domesticated, and from the looks of the place, live the life of Riley (whoever he is!).  Is that a pool I see?

I think it’s wonderful that people like Brigitte Bardot and Tippy Hedren made sanctuaries for animals, but one especially for kitties pulls me a bit more, don’t know why, hah.  Like the one at Largo Argentina in Rome that I’ve mentioned so often, but on this last trip, I noticed that there are fewer kitties and there was no one there to take a donation or food contribution. Ah, well…the crisis causes cuts everywhere, even for outdoor wild kitties.

But this lovely cat house, as you will see in the photos on the website, is somewhere even my anthros might wish to live! Sort of post and beam, Craftsman or even a little Maybeck thrown in.  I know mama could live with 700 cats, but I’m not sure about papa…or me.

And if you happen to be in the adoption mode, you’ll probably find exactly what you’re looking for with 700 cats to choose from. But, of course, I’m not there, so take me off your list.

Mama wouldn’t part with me for all the white truffles in Umbria…
