Posted by on Dec 30, 2016 | 17 comments


Okay, guys, are you ready for the Big Night?  Do you have everything on this list to ring in the New and kick out the Old?  Here goes:

1 pointy hat with sparkles on it

1 horn[

1 cracker–not to eat, to pull apart and make loud noises with

1 roll of stuff you can throw and make ribbons of colors with

A LOT of confetti, whatever that is (hmm…that’s Italian, I should know that one)

Bubbly glasses in case you are indulging

1 spoon

1 HUGE CAN OF BELUGA CAVIAR (haha, just kidding–you can’t even find that stuff in RUSSIA any longer much less pay for it if you find it; just put some butter on some toast and squeeze some lemon over it–same thing)

Okay, 1 huge can of really good tuna, chicken, duck, whatever, wet food for kitties (okay, okay, something for doggies, too)

1 package special treats for when the clock chimes in anno domini 2017.

1 very comfortable place to zzzz after your family has made you STAY UP TO WATCH THE BALL DROP or whatever they do where you are

1 very special snuggle for your family members with whom you have spent a great year, EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE MADE YOU STAY UP UNTIL MIDNIGHT AND YOUR EYES ARE CLOSING!

That’s it.  Everything in moderation tomorrow night, okay?  Excluding kibble, of course, and treats.


May I please go to bed now so I can be ready for tomorrow?