Posted by on Mar 19, 2015 | 2 comments


This will turn into a birthday cake, mark my words! You’ll see it tomorrow.

Ha, ha that’s a pun if I ever made one! Mama’s in there making a cake for her cousin who is on the road tomorrow from Spain and arriving in the afternoon, she and papa hope around drink time, which is a good time to greet cousins!

Then she thought about her cousin’s wife loving to cook and so she’s making lemon tarts in addition to the little gateau for her cousins’s 70th birthday, which was in Spain a few days ago and I’m sure they celebrated there. It’s a kind of celebratory family if you ask me. Always toasting someone or something and always finding an excuse for a party. Hey, why not. Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we eat, drink and be merry again, or whatever…

I, personally, do not indulge in lemon tarts and chocolate cakes (well, crumbs, maybe) but mama is also sautéing some scallops tonight and I’m very into those!

She’s discovered a trick for anything you have to shake in flour and salt and pepper. Normally people shake things in a bag, but scallops are tough to do and they stick all over the place and so she put the halved scallops in a bowl, sprinkled them with flour, salt, pepper and paprika and then tossed them in another bowl, then tossed them back and forth and they all were coated nicely with the flour mixture and there was no sticky mess and now they are sizzling in olive oil and I’m drooling all over the kitchen floor.

I’d better get a napkin…


Wow, lemon curd again…


I don’t think papa liked me using his jeans for a napkin…