Posted by on Apr 25, 2014 | 4 comments

Brazil: Carnival natural breasts call shines light on extent of cosmetic surgery

All natural?  Hmmm…

Well, mama is hoppin’ upset about a piece in the TNYT about women in Brazil and how they are treated and why the woman who runs the country now can’t seem to do anything at all to change things. Mama has written about this before, but there do not appear to be any changes since her last bombardment about how Brasilian women have to suffer for beauty.

I don’t want to give you all the statistics here about how many women feel obliged to have plastic surgery for fat removal and face lifts and butt lifts and whatever else can be lifted because there is so much criticism to fight against, so much flak a woman gets if she gains a few ounces or ages a few years and, well, I guess I will give you a statistic: Brasil is number two after the USA for cosmetic surgery procedures (for women, that is!). That ought to tell you something.

Not to mention the fact that 43% of married women experience violence against them in their homes.

Not a pretty statistic.

And yet, the Carnevale in Brasil is nothing if not a perfect venue for the exploitation of the female body. In short, if you are not perfect in Brazil, you are nothing. You are zilch. You are finished. You are shunned. Your day in the sun is over. And you probably have no chance of finding a mate. Maybe you’re better off that way if all you are going to get is criticism about your looks.

It is riduculous that males dictate what a woman ought to look like. This concept is a terrible, damaging model for young daughters who during their teens often have trouble with their image.  Young people everywhere need validation and encouragement to be themselves, not some figment of the male imagination.

I just have one question: do any of these idiotic, chauvinistic males ever, EVER look in the mirror? Oh, boy, what a shock.

Now, in my book, kitties come in all sizes and shapes and almost all of them are so delightful to touch and caress and cuddle and love and I think that anthros ought to think about that more often when they are making a list of requirements for what makes the perfect woman.

Do you think for a moment that I’m going to get an ear fix or a tail lift and still be the same Loulou that I love to be? NO way, Jose. I’m happy with what I’ve got and let me tell you, I’m gonna FLAUNT IT whenever I get the chance!


Flaunt, flaunt!!! My calendar is coming out soon…


He loves me for myself alone…