Posted by on Aug 20, 2017 | 10 comments


Well, that was something!!! Here I am, resting on mama’s leg, exhausted from little anthros’ snuggles.

Boy, I should hire out these little darlings–I was brushed, snuggled, talked to endlessly, regarded with love and admiration, and at times, pushed to a limit (Wake up, Loulou, I’m here, let’s play, do you want to be brushed, do you want your malt paste, do you want to go outside and run, do you want this or that or whatever?) and I am ready for a respite, whatever that is. I think it’s related to a hiatus, but who knows?


Sounds like parts of a body.

My hiatus is in dire need, that’s for sure!

But, oh, are they cutie pooties.  And so helpful and so thoughtful and such good companions for us all.  Maybe because they are older and thinking about things.  I mean, baby anthros are cute, but you can’t discuss The Critique of Purr Reason very effectively with a bebe. Sorry, terrible pun.

But, oh, did we have a time–go-carts, picnics, they on the beach because mama and papa don’t take to sun any longer for many reasons, Luna Park (mama calls it the Lunar Park, maybe she means Loonie Park), cotton candy, remember that?  And lovely lunches outside and garden gatherings and




Pietro rolling around in a water balloon


Marghe waving from hers

nice little dinners together, myself included, Aqualand (mama and papa bowed out on that one, too, after having been in hot water for several years) and a sweet little film together (but sad) called A Monster Calls.  Not sure was quite the time for it but mama wanted to see it, too, so we all watched together and I cried kitty tears.

Now for a rest.

Mama’s in the garden getting basil for pesto, whatever that is.  I thought that is what I am sometimes, haha!


Papa’s paying bills, whatever they are (I thought they were the things on the front of the tourterelles!)

And a good friend is moving in up the street.  She LOVES kitties….

Oh, and I am doing what I am born to do, in pike position.
