Posted by on Mar 22, 2016 | 6 comments


I would thumb my nose at being left, but I chose my paw instead!

Or, actually, sometimes not so bon, especially when you are leaving a beloved pet who is aging or ill and you simply have to travel and you get torn between so much love for your kitty or doggy or mouse or gerbil or whatever it is and you can’t cancel your trip because you actually are going away for work reasons and so you really suffer, knowing that your sweet little kitty who is really, really old is not in your loving care.

For our dear friends who have to leave their kitty of many, many years, it is like taking a little piece of their hearts to have to be away for two or three weeks, even if they are going to Hawaii, which is not chopped liver!

Still, work or no work, leaving an animal is traumatic. You just have to believe that all the nice people left to take care of your kitty (or whatever) will do their job and give lots of love and tlc to, in this case, Binky, my kitty friend in Vancouver.

Papa said to mama once, “Oh, Loulou will be fine, don’t worry, she loves Sue, her kitty whisperer, and she gets fed and cuddled and she sleeps with Sue and she won’t even miss us.”

OH, YEAH? Papa, you are one silly anthro if you think I won’t miss you and mama when you have to go visit papa’s sister very soon and it’s a long visit! You do not realize how lonesome I get when either one of you is not there to scratch my chin or brush me and give me nibbles from the Sunday chicken that mama sometimes brings home from the open market.


So don’t go thinking it’s easy on us kitties.

It’s NOT.

But, you know, my kitty whisperer is pretty good at what she does and even if THEY don’t know it, she does manage to give me little tidbits and she snuggles me A LOT and I can get away with murder in some other areas.

But we won’t go into that. You guys just take off and have a really good time WITHOUT ME, you lowdown, good for nothin vagabonds, whatever they are!

(Hand to brow) Don’t worry about me, I’ll get by…


I’m not sad, I’m just thinking…sort of.